ASW2. Version 2022
Full-featured spectrometric analysis
The software ASW2 is intended to use with laboratory spectrometer-radiometers QUADRO, TRIO, BOSON, BINOM, AMBER, MCA-527, HEXAGON, DSPEC, MKGB-01, RKBA-01, AT6101D and etc., portable gamma spectrometer MKSP-01 and other measuring instruments produced by TALS, BSI, GBS, ATOMTEX, KROMEK, ORTEC, TETRA, CAEN and other manufacturers.

The software ASW2 ensures simultaneous and independent control of all connected multichannel analysers, provides all the necessary tools for the applied spectrometry. Allows to implement measurements and processing of spectra, adjustment of spectrometric tracts parameters and obtaining of all relevant spectrometric characteristics.
The software ASW2 has a multi-window interface and provides wide opportunities to work with the spectra (math operations, batch processing, application of specific algorithms, conversion and translation into other applications).
The software ASW2 implement various algorithms to determine the activity of radionuclides in the samples from the spectra of scintillation spectrometers (NaI(Tl), CsI(Tl), LaBr3, etc.) such as ROI method with the redefined matrix, peaks analysis method, the method of superposition (generator method).
The software ASW2 allows to convert and open spectra from txt, and also ANSI N42.42, ORTEC, Canberra, BSI (GammaPro, AlphaPro) and other producers. It is also possible to convert efficiency calibrations made by EffMaker software.
The software ASW2 allows get remote control from other computers using special module Scenarium or by users software with open access protocol via IP.
The software ASW2 has many tools for the analysis of the spectra from spectrometers with high-resolution (HPGe, Si, CdZnTe, etc.):
- Search peaks in the spectrum and identification radionuclides in according with the energy lines indicated in the library;
- Energy, FWHM and Shape calibration;
- Approximation of the peaks of the gaussian curve and other functions;
- Automatic peaks identification;
- Registration of the density of counting samples;
- Registration of the background;
- Calculation of the efficiency curves (efficiency calibration) ;
- Generator method (superposition method);
- Calculation MDA and detection levels based on ISO 11929;
- Calculation dose rate;
- Quality assurance procedures;
- report wizard, user control, administration modes and etc.
ASW2 is a platform - modular structure that allows to supplement the software with modules of applied tasks (Scenarium, WBC , Profile, Comparator, thickness measurement , etc.).
The software ASW2 is supplied to the customer completely ready-to-use - with all the necessary calibrations and settings.
ASW2 is compatible with software MCC-MT in the process of efficiency calibration.







ASW2. Calibration with using Monte-Carlo simulation (MCC-MT software)
- Whole Body Counter (WBC) (chair-type, horizontal-type (chamber));
- Profile - implemention measurements in a motion on the way with applying mobile and fields spectrometric and dosemetric equipment;
- Control Panel - the module allowing in a convenient form for the operator to measure in conditions 'in-situ' using a laptop or tablet (only Windows);
- Scenarium - the module for work with scenario (scripts) of the actions of user. It also provide the remote control of the software ASW2 from other users in the net. This unit also contains tools for implementation of procedures of Quality Assurance.
- Analyser emulator.
The demo version can be provided upon request by e-mail info @ or via form below